Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Into the Mamahood

My oldest child will be turning 8 in just a week.  As I think back on the beginning of my journey into The Mamahood, I am frankly amazed that I was able to keep the child alive in the early days.  My daughter was a screamer crier. She cried sun up to sun down.  Sometimes I cried right along with her. I cried in only the way a post-partum woman can cry - dry heaving and snots running down the face and all.  I think most of our crying finally stopped when she was able to speak.  Sadly, the learning to communicate phase coincides with the terrible twos (also threes, fours, and if you were a truly evil person in a past life - fives).  Note: I was clearly a serial killer in my past life.

So, we muddled along during those early years just trying to figure stuff out: how to transition from bottle to cup, how to get her out of our bed (we co-slept), how to give an appropriate "time out" (of which there were many!).  I firmly believe that a child's innate personality is evident at a very early age. You can spot a strong willed personality right away.  My "mimi girl" is without a doubt my strongest willed child.  I don't think I appreciated that personality trait as much when she was a toddler, but I think that it has truly served her well as she has gotten older.  My girl is not a quitter.  She speaks up for what she feels is right.  She defends and protects her younger brothers.  She is my wing girl and right-hand lady.  She makes me proud each and every day.

My point is, if you find yourself awake in the wee hours of the night with a crying baby, or chasing a naked, enraged toddler who insists on picking her own clothes, fear not!  That sassy baby will get older and when she does, you'll be thanking your lucky stars for her spirited nature.  Happy early birthday to my mimi!


  1. Awwww! Happy birthday to her! I remember lie it was yesterday the day she was born. I also remember the tears while you were trying to feed her and study for the Bar...good times! And look at her now...a perfect little mini you. You did good my friend!

    1. Thanks! It really did take a village to get both my baby and I through that difficult time! Now I get to watch you be a mama. It's the circle of life!!!!!!!!!! (rafiki voice).
